Just checking in briefly this month to give a heads up on the new serial!
Writing progress has been excellent so far, and I already have the first two instalments (~55k words in total) finished, edited, and basically ready to go, with the third part half written as well. This means the finished word count is likely to wind up higher than I originally anticipated, but on the plus side the full novel is basically half done as this point.
While I did plan on releasing parts one and two in January, I've decided to hold off on that for the time being while I get a nice slick, professional cover commissioned and make even more headway with the remaining instalments. This means that, when I do begin publishing, each part of the serial will probably be released within a couple of weeks rather than a month plus after the last one.
I'm really enjoying this project so far, and as a writer I strongly feel that it's my best yet (although, that's how you feel about every novel you write!). Focusing on a setting and themes that I'm fiercely passionate about has been fantastic for me, and I'm looking forward to getting the finished story out there for people to enjoy.
In the interim of downtime between releases, I'm also hoping to finally get that pesky backlog finished up and publish complete editions of Wild Instincts and Broken Moon.
It's just hard to tear yourself away from writing new stuff when you're so into it!